Presentation of part of the system of the 1925 Exhibition’s office library with its mobile partitions at the Salon d’Automne in the Marsan Pavillion, 1927
Mobility in furniture variations by Pierre Chareau with the development of the fan principal for the conception of a table (image MB152) and a desk (image MB773)
System of mobile fan-shaped partitions at Les Arts de la Maison Summer 1926 , editions Albert Morancé, p. XXIV and XXV.
Refurbishment carried out on the appartment of Mr and Mrs Lanique, 72 avenue Henri Martin, Paris.
Dressing table with a wrought-iron support structure and mobile top and shelves trimmed in leather;
original silver print, image MS879, 1927
Desk-table with a wrought-iron support structure and mobile top and shelves trimmed in leather; image MB6673, original silver print, 1927
Mobile, circular cupboard. Appartment of Monsieur Reifenburg, Paris 1928
Original prints.
Tirages originaux