Alessandro Mendini (1931-2019), Poltrona di Proust armchair, Italy, 1979

Alessandro Mendini (1931-2019), Poltrona di Proust armchair, Italy, 1979

Alchimia edition
Wood and fabric painted with acrylic
On long term loan from the Centre national des arts plastiques, 1988
Inv. FNAC 3175
© Les Arts Décoratifs / photo: Jean Tholance

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Alessandro Mendini, a rebellious figure of Italian design and member of the Studio Alchimia advocates re-design, objects and furniture that have become too impersonal due to being functional. A literary and artistic reference, Poltrona di Proust is a reinterpreted 18th century easy chair incarnating experimental design beyond any rationalist or functionalist movement. He magnifies the ordinary and stands up against the principles of austerity while giving free reign to Mendini’s love of kitsch.

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