Compagnie des Arts Français, decorator, Louis Süe (1875-1968), architect, André Mare (1887-1932), painter, Marcel Méran, manufacturer, Centerpiece with fish, Paris, L’Isle-Adam, c. 1925

Compagnie des Arts Français, decorator, Louis Süe (1875-1968), architect, André Mare (1887-1932), painter, Marcel Méran, manufacturer, Centerpiece with fish, Paris, L’Isle-Adam, c. 1925

Thickly glazed grand feu (high-fired) faience
Gift of Anne-Françoise Mare-Vène and Michel Mare, 1984
Inv. 54928 A
© Les Arts Décoratifs

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This model was presented in the dining room of the Pavillon Fontaine at the Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes in Paris in 1925.

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