Presented at The Hong Kong Palace Museum in partnership with the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, the exhibition “The Adorned Body: French Fashion and Jewellery 1770–1910” showcases nearly 400 stunning pieces of French costumes, jewellery, and fashion accessories from the collection of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs highlighting the fascinating stories about the evolution of fashion and jewellery in France and the interplay of cultures that shaped French fashion.
Poupée, garde-robe de poupée
Poupée, garde-robe de poupée
Probablement France, vers 1860
Laine, coton, soie, paille, cuir
Don de Maurice Bisson, 1945
Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris
Inv. 35336
© Les Arts Décoratifs / photo : Jean Tholance