Toots Zynsky (born in 1951), Adempimento (accomplissement) bowl, United States, 2015

Toots Zynsky (born in 1951), Adempimento (accomplissement) bowl, United States, 2015

Glass Nets assembled, melted and thermoformed
Gift of the artist, 2015
Inv. 2015.159.1
© Les Arts Décoratifs / photo: Jean Tholance

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Toots Zynsky, who trained at the Rhode Island School of Design is one of the most international personalities of contemporary glassmaking. In the early 1980s, she perfected a new technique of stretching strings of coloured glass, then forming these strings into disks by cold flattening. Finally, thermoforming these disks resulted in hollow complex forms that often evoke pleats similar to textile and match with very rich polychrome effects.

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