Corporates can associate themselves with The Arts Décoratifs either as a sponsor or partner. Both types of commitment to a cultural project in the public interest entitle you to benefit from media play and specific Arts Décoratifs services. Your contribution can be either financial, in kind or in competencies and skills.


Exceptional media play

Your company name or logo will be included:

• in the poster campaign
• in the press pack and press release
• in the exhibition catalogue
• on 30,000 brochures available at cultural sites in France
• on the invitations to the exhibition opening, sent to 12,000 people
• in the exhibition space (special acknowledgements space)
• on the exhibition donors plaque in the Hall Rohan
• on The Arts Décoratifs website
• on The Arts Décoratifs business report

Privileged admission

• VIP invitations to our events
• Day passes
• Annual pass cards
• Private tours of our collections and exhibitions
• Privileged moments with the curators

Exclusive use of the museums’ prestigious spaces for your receptions, seminars and dinners

You can also entertain clients at public relations events with private tours of the exhibition or cocktails and breakfasts...
For your colleagues, you can organise seminars or colloquiums in the Auditorium, private tours of the exhibition, and annual events at The Arts Décoratifs.
This type of event will enable you to highlight our partnership and involve your colleagues.

Discover our space rental service

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