Félix Rémond (1779- after 1860), cabinetmaker, Davrainville (born in 1784), organ maker, Cheval mirror with music box, Paris, 1823

Félix Rémond (1779- after 1860), cabinetmaker, Davrainville (born in 1784), organ maker, Cheval mirror with music box, Paris, 1823

Exhibition of Industrial Products
Carcase of oak, veneer of elm burl, ash and lemon wood, gilt bronze, mirror glass
Long-term loan from the Mobilier National, 1923
Inv. MOB NAT GME 1451
© Les Arts Décoratifs / photo: Jean Tholance

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This piece, presented at the Exhibition of Industrial Products in 1823, was acquired by the Duchesse de Berry for her new apartment at the Tuileries Palace.

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